'you're skinny'
'no, i am not'
'i think you are'
'you need to try to broader your view'
'i think i have'
'not enough'
other sides have different point of view, sometimes, that's normal...it's the same when last night i watched television and couldn't stopped complaining about my government. i knew it would have happened but when it was finally happened i ...disappointed as the other side.
the cabinet reshuffle...aside from comment of my country's political experts that "this reshuffle didn't see people needs and filled with political interests especially for the sake of government's image"(conclusion i've made from many experts' comment on kompas newspaper).
I met my colleagues who work at ministry of home affair, we believe that the minister of this department would be exchanged due to his illness...but voila...nope, he's still there....struggling with his illness and all our home affair's issues...including violence issue in his 'school'.
according to eep saefulloh, our president's decision was made to avoid any harm on the parties' representation in his cabinet. unbelievable....SBY (the name of our president...well i don't remember his real name anymore because people spell it differently...ekekekek...). okay, he has his prerogative right but come on...where is his sense of managing this country and fight for our people's right? he would say that what he has done are for our people? which people? in porong sidoarjo? in aceh? in villages? on the streets? in the jails (many crimes happened because of the unemployment).
what is he afraid of? getting fired? becoming poor? losing his image? what image?
well, mr. president, you can fire any of your staffs you have chosen before whenever and whatever you want but do you remember that it means you are incapable of deciding, chosing, managing, positioning, and thinking of your action to our people?
sorry to see your tired face on television (why are you tired anyway? tired to please all parties, colleagues? or tired of thinking about our people? who do you think we are? puppet?). really sorry for my people who actually can optimize to use all the cost you spent for the last 7 months that just for meeting, talking and shouting to reshuffling your cabinet. (kompas)
(thanks God, i didn't vote for him!!! as the other side i take any consequences of writing this. I love my country, i love my people, and i love my mom)